दुग्धशाला विकास विभाग, उत्तर प्रदेश
Dairy Development Department, Uttar Pradesh

Online Incentive Management System (O. I. M. S.)

Policy Vision

UP Dairy Development and Milk Products Promotion Policy-2022

Uttar Pradesh is the highest milk-producing state in the country contributing about 16 percent of the country's total milk production. Only about 10 percent of the marketable surplus milk is being processed by the organized sector in the state, whereas India's average milk processing is about 17 percent. There is a huge gap between the milk processing capacity and the amount of marketable surplus milk in the state, for which there is a huge potential for investment in new industries in this area. In the changing environment, on the one hand, the disposable income of the people is increasing, and the public is becoming aware of the importance of balanced nutrition, and on the other hand, new technologies and sufficient raw material (milk) are available for milk processing and manufacturing of value-added milk products. There is a great need to translate the potential of the dairy sector into reality by motivating the investors and entrepreneurs. The Uttar Pradesh Dairy Development and Milk Products Promotion Policy-2022 is being promulgated to ensure maximum benefits for all stakeholders by augmenting existing capacity utilization, creating new processing capacity and increasing means of livelihood by making use of technological upgradation, appropriate use of information technology and capacity development. This policy aims at creating employment, ensuring nutritional security and steering the state towards one trillion-dollar economy.

Yogi Adityanath Hon'ble Chief Minister, Uttar Pradesh
Shri Dharm Pal Singh Hon'ble Minister
Shri K. Ravinder Naik IAS Principal Secretary

Objectives of the Policy

The objectives of the Uttar Pradesh Dairy Development and Milk Products Promotion Policy-2022 are as follows-

  • To encourage the establishment of milk-based industries in the State.
  • To achieve the target of capital investment of Rs. 5000 crores in the next five years in the State.
  • To ensure market- based remunerative price of milk to the milk producers.
  • To increase the level of milk processing in the state from the present 10% to 25% and to increase the installed capacity of milk processing from present 44% to 65% of the marketable surplus.
  • To make high-quality processed milk products available to the consumers.
  • To promote market development and exports to other states and countries.
  • To generate new employment opportunities in the field of dairy industry and to upgrade the competencies and skills of available manpower.
  • To encourage new technologies and information technology based solutions.
  • To develop and manage a strong database for collection of market intelligence and technical advice and accordingly develop a framework for the same.
  • Reform of Primary Milk Cooperative Societies, Milk Unions and Pradeshik Cooperative Dairy Federation Limited (PCDF Ltd.)
  • Simplification of procedures to facilitate investors.

Areas covered for financial grants and concessions under the dairy industry sector

F.P.Os (Farmer Producers Organizations),M.P.Cs (Milk Producers Companies), cooperative institutions of the state and private sector entrepreneurs will be benefited as determined by the government in the following areas:

  • (i) Establishment of new Greenfield milk processing and milk products manufacturing units.
  • (ii) Expansion of Capacity of the existing Milk Processing and Milk Products Manufacturing Dairy Units (Minimum 25% increase in existing capacity).
  • (iii) Establishment of new cattle feed and cattle nutritional products manufacturing units or expansion of existing cattle feed and cattle nutritional products manufacturing units (Minimum 25% increase in existing capacity).
  • (iv) Establishment of new manufacturing units of value added milk products like cheese, ice cream etc. under micro and small enterprises sector.
  • (v) Installation of new dairy technologies and information technology such as traceability equipment and ancillary software like SCADA system.
  • (vi) Purchase of equipment’s for Milk Chilling Centre, Bulk Milk Cooler, Refrigerated Van/ Cooling Van / Road Milk Tanker, Ice Cream Trolley etc. for setting up of Cold Chain.

UP Dairy Development and Milk Products Promotion Policy-2022

Financial grants, concessions and facilities permissible to dairy industry units to be set up in the state

Capital Investment Grant

For establishment or expansion (only in case of minimum 25 percent increase in existing capacity) of milk processing and milk product manufacturing dairy units in all...

Interest Subvention

Establishment of new milk processing and milk products manufacturing dairy units Establishment of new cattle feed and cattle nutritional products manufacturing units..

Provision for Market Development and Brand Promotion

The following grants and concessions will be provided for marketing to milk Processing and milk products manufacturing dairy units..

Provision for Standardization Incentive

For the purpose of grading and standardizing the value added milk products related to milk processing and milk products manufacturing dairy units, cattle feed ...

Provision for Patent/Design Registration

For registration of patents/designs by milk processing and milk products manufacturing dairy units, cattle feed and cattle nutritional products manufacturing units...

Electricity/ Stamp Duty

The amount of stamp duty paid on the land purchased or the land taken on lease for the unit to be established under this policy will be reimbursed out of the departmental budget after assessment of the permissible...

Application Attachments



Letter Head of the CA

Itemized Summary Statement of expenses incurred on Technical civil work



Letter Head of the CA

Itemized Summary Statement of expenses incurred on Plant & Machinary.



Letter Head of the CA

CA certificate (with membership number of CA)



Letter Head of the CA




On Non Judicial Stamp Paper of Rs.100/-

On Non Judicial Stamp Paper of Rs.100/- (Affidavit/decleration)



(Letter head of the Chartered Engineer- Civil)

Format for item wise and cost wise detail of Technical civil work



(Letter head of the Chartered Engineer-Mechanical)

Format for item wise and cost wise details of Machinery.



Agreement of Indemnity Annexure              

Agreement of Indemnity



On non- judicial stamp paper of Rs. 100/-

On non- judicial stamp paper of Rs. 100/- (Affidavit [as per GFR-209(1)])



(Letter Head of the Bank)

For Scheme of technology Up gradation/ Establishment/ modernisation of Milk Processing Industries



Format for DPR model Annexure

Format for DPR model



For Interest Subsidy Bank certificate

Bank certificate (on Letter head)



Format for Bank/Financial Institution

Format for Bank/Financial Institution for releasing Interest subsidy under



Format for Electricity Duty

Electricity Duty paid by new milk processing units within a period of 10 years will be reimbursed



Format for Stamp Duty

The amount of stamp duty paid on the land purchased or the land taken on lease for the unit to be established under

Important Links